Your Developer Config

Obtaining Your Config

When first exploring a partnership with OkLetsPlay, you'll be given adeveloper-config.jsonfile with everything you need in it for hooking into your OkLetsPlay sandbox. We recommend that you import yourdeveloper-config.jsondirectly into your back-end, rather than copying bits out into other configuration systems. That way, you can always drop in a fresh config without changing any code.

Example Config

An example configuration looks like this:

  "okletsplay_url": "",
  "authentication": {
    "client_id": "super-crash-shoot-arena",
    "client_secret": "a33fa65f-fd29-4aee-98ea-45866d5494ba",
    "public_key_url": "",
    "token_url": ""


  • okletsplay_urlstringThe URL of your OkLetsPlay sandbox back-end. Use this whenever reporting game results or otherwise talking to OkLetsPlay.
  • authenticationobjectAll config related to authentication tokens.
    • client_idstringThe identifier of the game's client.
    • client_secretstringThe game's unique secret, which must never be shared.
    • public_key_urlstringThe URL used to fetch the public key which can be used to validate the RSA256 signature of the JWTs provided by the OkLetsPlay back-end.
    • token_urlstringThe OpenId access token URL used for obtaining JWTs.

NOTE: The remaining documentation will refer back to this developer config using the following syntax: ${config.okletsplay_url}